CBD drops FORTE 20% CBDex®, CBD oil
Original price was: 99,90 €.69,90 €Current price is: 69,90 €.
CBD drops FORTE 20% are an innovative food supplement that contains a phytocomplex of natural extract and the aroma of hemp flowers, including 2000 mg of CBD, vitamin D and sunflower lecithin.
Expiration date 2/2025
CBD kapljice FORTE 20% so primerne za krepitev celostnega zdravja in vseh telesnih sistemov ter podpora ob že močneje izraženih zdravstvenih težavah, kot so bolečine, vnetja, nespečnost, nemir, revmatoidni artritis, fibromialgija, epilepsija, MS.
Kanabinoidi krepijo samozdravilne lastnosti telesa.
Purity is our excellence - Alcohol Extraction - No added synthetic or isolated CBD
- Description
CBD kapljice FORTE 20% CBDex®
CBD drops FORTE 20% CBDex® konopljine kapljice so inovativni prehranski dodatek, ki vsebuje 20% (2000 mg CBD) čistega izvlečka konopljinih cvetov in vitamine D ter sončnični lecitin.
CBD hemp drops FORTE 20% CBDex® je primerno prehransko dopolnilo za ljudi z občutki duševne, fizične in telesne utrujenosti ter pomanjkanja energije. CBDex FORTE je dodatna podpora za ravnovesje organizma. Dodani vitamini D imajo vlogo pri delovanju imunskega sistema in vlogo pri delitvi celic. Vitamin D prav tako prispeva k normalni ravni kalcija v krvi, k ohranjanju zdravih kosti, k delovanju mišic, k ohranjanju zdravih zob in k normalni absorbciji kalcija in fosforja. Praktična uporaba tinkture, ki ne vsebuje alkohola, je zelo prijetna, saj kapljic ni potrebno sprati z vodo, aktivne snovi pa se absorbirajo hitro in temeljito.
Aktivne sestavine in vsebnost v RDA* v 2 CBD kapljicah ( = 0,04 ml )
Vitamin D (cholecalciferol) – 0.80 μg (15.5 % in RDA*)
Sončnični lecitin – 6,6 mg
Cannabis flower extract Cannabis Sativa L – 26,64 mg
*RDA in % – proportion of recommended daily intake
10ml, 300 CBD drops. 1 CBD drop vsebuje 6,66 mg CBD.
Manufacturer's recommended dose
Adolescents over 15 and adults 12 CBD drops per day, ideally 6 drops in the morning and 6 drops in the evening, at least two hours before bedtime. The drops are dosed directly into the mouth, preferably under the tongue. Do not swallow the drops immediately, as this allows the active substances to be absorbed better and faster. 10 ml is sufficient for approximately one month of use.
Additional recommendation
We recommend an initial dose of 2 drops per day: 1 in the morning and 1 in the evening and gradually increasing the dose to the daily dose recommended by the manufacturer or the daily dose desired for humans.
Kaprilni/kaprinski triglicerid, izvleček konopljinih cvetov (od tega minimalno 2000 mg CBD), vitamin D (cholecalciferol) and sunflower lecithin.
A natural product. Sediment or cloudiness is not a sign of a defective product. No GMOs. Gluten free. Shake well before use. The product does not contain THC or other narcotic substances and is alcohol-free. Store in a dry place at temperatures below 25 ºC in well-closed packaging. Use at least until the date marked on the packaging.
If you are being treated with other drugs, before using preparations with high doses CBD (10%, 20%, 30%) consult your doctor or pharmacist. Do not use CBD preparations if you are hypersensitive or allergic to plants from the Cannabaceae family.
Manufacturer and exclusive importer for Slovenia
Produced by: Cannabis PHARMA s.r.o, Masarykova 1595/54, 41501 Teplice, Czech Republic
Ekskluzivni uvoznik za Slovenijo: BioMons 1 doo, Sredma 91, 2354 Bresternica, Slovenia, contact: info@biomons.com, M: +386 (0)40 614 617, www.biomons.com