2. Nervous system and Cannabinoids

Professional education with doc. dr. Tanja Bagar

Moderated by: Tjaša Korelc Univ. B.Sc. anthropo.

Link to the lecture: https://biomons.com/zivcni-sistem-in-kanabinoidi/


V nadaljevalnem predavanju izvemo, kako sta živčni in endokanabinoidni sistem povezana in na kakšen način se lotimo raznih bolezni, ki se primarno kažejo na živčevju. Kako priporočiti uporabo kanabinoidov pri multipli sklerozi? Kaj pa avtizmu, fibromialgiji, Parkinsonu ali Alzheimerju, demenci? Kakšne so klinične izkušnje uporabe konoplje pri teh boleznih? Doc. dr. Tanja Bagar naslovi specifična bolezenska stanja:

  • Multipla skleroza– kaj se dogaja, kaj so možni vzroki? Spremembe EKS. Kanabinoidi imajo nevroprotektivno funkcijo, zelo uspešni pri nevrodegenerativnih boleznih. Če v 4 mesecih ne pridemo do želenih učinkov, preidemo na CBDA (kislinska oblika).
  • Parkinson: centralni živčni sistem ima višje doze kanabinoidov, bolj izraženi CB1, preveč dopamina….CBD dobro preučen-nevroprotektivno, upočasni razgradnjo dopamina, aktivira encim za njegovo proizvodnjo, zniža izločanje proinflamatornih citokinov in zaščiti delovanje mitohondrijev….THC v višjih dozah kontraindiciran
  • Alzheimer/demenca: motnje spomina, pentlje, spremembe v možganovini, beljakovine denaturirajo, plaki, nevronske celice propadajo. Poleg CBD, ki zmanjšuje vnetja, zniža tvorbo amiloidnih plakov, spodbuja preživetje nevroloških celic, je tudi THC dobrodošel kot zaviralec acetilholin-esteraze.
  • Fibromialgija: mišično skeletna bolečina, ki izhaja iz centralnega živčnega sistema, revmatološko bolečinski simptom, pogosto spremljajo pridružene bolezni in sindromi, glavoboli, nihanje razpoloženja, depresija, razdražljivo črevo, anksiolitiki, uspavala, parestezija, bolečina v trebuhu….kako kombiniramo kanabinoide?
  • Avtizem: razvojna motnja, dopamin, serotonin, triptofan, oksitocin (spremenjena proizvodnja teh nevrotransmiterjev). Možni vzroki: prenatalno, v nosečnosti, cepiva, paracetamol, hrana, celiakija, sevanja, …EKS: anandamid v plazmi zelo znižan. Insuficienca funkcije mithondrijev, nevrotoksičnost, GABA neurotransmisija, 2-5 mg na dan in počasi stopnjujemo, previdnost in počasnost…

Link to the lecture: https://biomons.com/zivcni-sistem-in-kanabinoidi/

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Asst. Dr. Tanja Bagar she is the director and, in this capacity, the president of the expert council of the International Cannabinoid Institute ICANNA. She is also the deputy director of a research, development and trade company and head of development and research in an environmental company. She is also active in the academic sphere. He teaches microbiology and ecoremediation topics at the faculty of Alma Mater Europaea and is a professional or collaborates scientifically with the Austrian College of Health and Development. She is a member of the Pomurska Academy of Sciences and Arts, the Slovenian Biochemical Society and the Society of Psychologists of Slovenia, and is one of the founders of the Society for the Preservation and Protection of the Environment. She has extensive research experience gained in laboratories at the National Institute of Chemistry, the Faculty of Biotechnology, the National Laboratory for Health, Environment and Nutrition, the Topolšica Hospital and the Institute of Microbiology and Genetics at the Georg-August University in Gottingen, Germany, and at To the Institute of Cell Biology, University of Edinburgh. Since 2013, she has participated as a reviewer in the national competition of research papers organized by the Association for Technical Culture of Slovenia. For social engagement, she received the Thanks of the Slovenian Microbiological Society for cooperation in the promotion of microbiology, a special recognition as part of the Slovenian award for social responsibility HORUS and an invitation to become an honorary member of the social cooperative KonopKo.

As a lecturer or listener, she participates in various conferences on cannabinoids and the endocannabinoid system, cannabis, nutrition, etc. at the national or international level. He deals with the microbiological aspect, cell biology, biochemistry and molecular biology in connection with the endocannabinoid system and the action of cannabinoids, laboratory analyzes of hemp products, etc. She completed the intensive four-week e-learning program Concepts of Cannabis Science I conducted by Kenevir Research (Oregon, USA), as well as the advanced program Concepts of Cannabis Science II

Tanja Bagar, winner of the prize for talented students during her studies, graduated from the study of microbiology at the Faculty of Biotechnology of the University of Ljubljana and received the Prešeren Prize for her thesis. She continued her postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Medicine in Ljubljana, where she obtained her doctorate in the field of biomedical sciences. As a young researcher, she received the Krka Award for special achievements in the field of research work, and a municipal gold plaque for successfully completing her doctorate. She passed the professional exam at the Ministry of Health.


Tjaša Korelc she is an anthropologist with a university degree, consultant in western natural medicine (spagiria and alchemy)

She is a cultural and social anthropologist by education, and at the same time she attended a school of spagyria and alchemy, traditional Western medicine, in Italy. She also obtained a cannabinoid counseling certificate from Dr. to Dustin Sulak (online) and is a professional associate at Biomons.