The 44-year-old woman has not been treated for a long time, has no family history of oncological diseases, and has given birth to two sons.
In July 2015, a tumor about 5 cm in size was discovered on the left ovary during a routine examination. Surgery was performed, removal of the left ovary with tumor and biopsy of the right ovary. Histologically, the tissue was graded as serous invasive ovarian carcinoma. The right ovary was removed in August.
Based on the histological analysis, chemotherapy (carboplatin and paclitaxel) was recommended in four cycles. The patient was very affected during the illness and suffered from severe insomnia. Before chemotherapy, supportive therapy was introduced to soothe with 5% CBD OIL FIVE in a dose of 3 drops twice a day, the patient gradually switched to a dose of 6 drops twice a day. Initially, a lower dose was chosen because the patient suffered from heart palpitations, but the pulse was normal and because the discomfort gradually disappeared and she was able to increase the dose. Chemotherapy was started in September 2015 with the help of anti-vomiting drugs (Kinito) and drugs for more sound sleep. The oncologist was also familiar with the use of CBD OIL 5% FIVE and had no comments. During chemotherapy, anxiety and weight loss occurred, mostly of psychological etiology (phenomena), so it was necessary to use an antidepressant (Trazodone) in a small dose. During chemotherapy, the blood count only slightly worsened and quickly returned to normal values, a deficit was observed only in white blood cells, while red blood cell values were completely normal. Since she was diagnosed with cancer, she lost 10 kg, but now, surprisingly, her weight has stabilized again and she tends to gain more weight. Appetite returns, mental state stabilizes, sleep is better than before. The patient herself evaluates the effect of the drops as favorable. Very positive is the reduction of side effects after chemotherapy and significant improvement in mental status and stabilization of weight and appetite.
Suzana Škodová MD
General practitioner, Prague