Female, 27 years old
He starts using the MIGREO tincture with 5% CBD and the addition of coriander and lavender essential oil. Immediately after starting use, she no longer had panic attacks and her mood swings subsided. However, the hot flushes became more frequent and she had to use Livial again. Discontinuing the use of MIGREO tincture again causes sleep disturbances, often wakefulness, irritability and mood swings. So he decides to take the drops again. In general, he notices an improvement in the quality of sleep, frequent night awakenings disappear, general tension and anxiety are reduced. The condition stabilizes when using the second pack of MIGREO tincture, but he still feels "lifeless".
Suzana Škodová MD
General practitioner, Prague

Female, 40 years old
After a week of using the tincture D-PREMA 2% with essential oils of marjoram and sandalwood, he notices a slight general improvement, diarrhea subsides, energy in the evening hours returns. In the following week, the slightly elevated body temperature is still maintained, the stool is thinner, but he can eat 2 meals a day. In the third week, the appetite improves, the sleep disturbances remain, it is more difficult to fall asleep. The general condition improves after passing the university exams.
Suzana Škodová MD
General practitioner, Prague

A parent's report on their child's case
He took Timonil and Depakine in the morning and evening. Before taking the tincture: Average of 1 attack every week. The process was always the same. It lasted about 30 seconds; he was in a convulsion as he grasped the things in his hand. After about 30 seconds he recovered, began to swallow and did not know what had happened. When we asked him if he had a seizure that day, he didn't know. That is why we collected the data of our own observations and observations of teachers in the school. The drive or attack was always expressed by weakness and spasms and stiffness of the body. However, he did not fall unconscious and fall asleep, as is sometimes the case with epileptic seizures.
The use of Tincture Metabolis started on 14/04/2016
15/04/2016 – slight weakness during physical exertion, which he himself noticed, but those around him did not
20/04/2016 – similar nausea (takes 3 hours after taking the medicine)
24/04/2016 – nausea in the morning when he got out of the car, no one noticed (he took the medicine again after 3 hours)
27/04/2016 – 2 times during the day nausea in the stomach.
28.4. 2016 – morning cramp, was unaware, took no medication or drops this morning.
02/05/2016 – he fell after physical activity (cycling), due to a spasm he fell and was a bit confused, he didn't know himself.
22.5. 2016 – attack in the evening, but in the morning he did not take any medicine or drops.
30.5. 2016 – he cycled again. He felt sick and numb but continued to be active.
30.5.2016 Comprehensive overview:
He has had seizures before during physical activity, although he did not strictly follow the prescribed treatment regimen and also the prescribed nutritional advice and sleep and the like. During the use of Tincture METABOLIS, we found that attacks are less frequent and less intense. Has more control over attacks. After one and a half months of use, we can see a significant improvement, as well as an improvement in the lifestyle itself. In addition, we would like to add that the child's mother and I visited the school and asked four teachers for help and careful observation. All the teachers noticed that he had calmed down nicely in the last period, only one physical education teacher stated that the child had one spasm in the last month.
Martin K.
May 2016, Prague

Woman 55 years old, headache
She started taking MIGREO tincture with a dosage of 12 drops a day for a month. After the first week, the number of hot flashes was about the same, after the second week of taking it, she noticed a change, as the number of hot flushes decreased to 10 times a day. Back pain is minimal, except once after heavy physical work in the garden. The headache occurred only once and disappeared during the night. After the second week of taking it, pain appeared in the chest part of the spine and lasted for three days, there were no headaches, the number of hot flushes per day is within the same limits. In the third week, the patient's spine forced her to visit a physiotherapist, but he only helped her to relax the problem. Headache occurs once a week in a mild form. The number of hot flushes is the same. In the fourth week, the back pain disappeared, the headaches appeared for a few hours, while the hot flushes are still 12-15 times a day. In general, we could assess that the patient had a positive response as far as the headaches are concerned, which are now more limited in time and milder. Regarding back pain, she did not notice any particular effect. She felt better physically and slept well.
Suzana Škodová MD
General practitioner
Prague, March 2016

Male 55 years old, stressful job...
He started taking Tincture Fyzio 6 drops twice a day and used it for a month. After a few days of use, he says he feels unusually good. When taking the drops directly in the mouth, it tastes strange for a few minutes and feels a slight tickle in the throat. After one week of use, he finds that the pain no longer appears, despite great physical exertion at work (bearing loads). In general, after the first week, he notices a better feeling and sleep. In the second week, she notes that she is unusually sound asleep and wakes up rested (although she sometimes wakes up during the night), even when she is working on the computer late at night. The back pain returned, but the chronic leg pain disappeared. In the third week, he feels mild constipation, the back pain disappears again. Since it was spring and everything was blooming outside, he noticed that he didn't have the allergic reactions to pollen that he had every year. He only felt a slight strange sensation in his throat. He still feels good and generally sleeps better. In the fourth week, a slight pain in the back appeared, but it quickly disappeared. He generally felt better throughout the month, with deep sleep, very rare severe back pains, and a surprising disappearance of the allergy symptoms that happened every year.
Suzana Škodová MD
General practitioner
Prague, March 2016

A 51-year-old woman suffering from menopausal symptoms
She used D-prem tincture. After a few days she was sleeping much better, feeling more relaxed, no significant response and generally calmed down.
Suzana Škodová MD
General practitioner, Prague

Female, 44 years old, serous invasive ovarian carcinoma
In July 2015, a tumor about 5 cm in size was discovered on the left ovary during a routine examination. Surgery was performed, removal of the left ovary with tumor and biopsy of the right ovary. Histologically, the tissue was graded as serous invasive ovarian carcinoma. The right ovary was removed in August.
Based on the histological analysis, chemotherapy (carboplatin and paclitaxel) was recommended in four cycles. The patient was very affected during the illness and suffered from severe insomnia. Before chemotherapy, supportive therapy was introduced to soothe with 5% CBD OIL FIVE in a dose of 3 drops twice a day, the patient gradually switched to a dose of 6 drops twice a day. Initially, a lower dose was chosen because the patient suffered from heart palpitations, but the pulse was normal and because the discomfort gradually disappeared and she was able to increase the dose. Chemotherapy was started in September 2015 with the help of anti-vomiting drugs (Kinito) and drugs for more sound sleep. The oncologist was also familiar with the use of CBD OIL 5% FIVE and had no comments. During chemotherapy, anxiety and weight loss occurred, mostly of psychological etiology (phenomena), so it was necessary to use an antidepressant (Trazodone) in a small dose. During chemotherapy, the blood count only slightly worsened and quickly returned to normal values, a deficit was observed only in white blood cells, while red blood cell values were completely normal. Since she was diagnosed with cancer, she lost 10 kg, but now, surprisingly, her weight has stabilized again and she tends to gain more weight. Appetite returns, mental state stabilizes, sleep is better than before. The patient herself evaluates the effect of the drops as favorable. Very positive is the reduction of side effects after chemotherapy and significant improvement in mental status and stabilization of weight and appetite.
Suzana Škodová MD
General practitioner, Prague

Tone, 78 years old, forgetfulness, inability to communicate and numbness
I found out about 5% CBD drops called FIVE and started using them, hoping to improve the condition. I also have cancerous changes on my skin, so I also support myself preventively with CBD drops. I have been using them for about a year and I can say that my condition has improved a lot. I'm interested in my surroundings again, I read, solve crosswords, which improves my memory and I like to be around people again because I can talk.
I will continue to use the drops in the future, because I am sure that my memory will return to the state before the narcosis.

Irena, 77 years old, Essential tremor
My condition improved with the help of 5% CBD + 1% CBD NEURO drops, which I have been consuming regularly for a year. I know it will never be the same again, but now I can lift a cup or glass with both hands and drink the contents, I can comb my hair more easily, brush my teeth again, which I almost needed help for last year. I also feel better in any bar, because the utensils in my hands are calmer and you can't see from afar that my hands are shaking. The writing situation is also improving. In short, I believe in the additional support power of CBD - cannabinoid and will continue to consume it, as I am sure that my condition will continue to improve. However, miracles should not be expected overnight.