i9 Intuition
49,90 €
Ajna je simbolizirana z indigo barvo (vijoličasto modra). Poznana je kot čakra tretjega očesa, ki se nahaja sredi čela in je povezana z epifizo. Indigo čakra vpliva na odgovornost, vizualno zavedanje, zaupanje v notranje vodilo in nam omogoča izkustvo, da smo del stvarstva.
- Description
- Do you buy bottled water?
- Natural drinking water
- The impact of the i9 bottle on water
Volume: 650 ml
Height. 26 cm
Diameter (max): 8.5 cm
Center diameter: 6 cm
Weight - empty: 0.52 kg
Weight - full: 1.17 kg
The price of bottled water can cost as much as €10-20/week/person. If you always have an informed i9 bottle with you, you will save money and ensure simple and direct access to quality water wherever you go.
Our body needs "living" water, because only in its natural state does water effectively enter the cell walls and deliver the necessary nutrients with it. If our body does not receive natural energy water, it draws on its own energy reserves to renew itself, thereby consuming precious energy that would otherwise be dedicated to self-healing, homeostasis and maintaining the balance between the internal and external environment. As a result, our immune system is devastated and more susceptible to possible diseases.
It improves the energy state of the water
Increases the biofield
It reduces stress
It offers color therapy
Quality glass