PAIN PERCEPTION - a short recommendation

How can we live happier and more satisfied if we are hindered by pain in our everyday life? Let's get to know the natural solutions that can help us with this, because in this way we will deal with the cause and not only the consequence of our problem. Additional help for pain can be cannabinoids and medicinal mushrooms, but which preparation to choose? Cannabinoids, as well as the medicinal mushroom Ganoderma, are one of the most important compounds that affect the perception of pain and at the same time the overall balance of the body. Best to back up first with 5% CBD +...

Betaglucans and their importance for health

Betaglucans are polysaccharides that occur naturally in the cell walls of many organisms, including fungi, algae, and some plants. Scientific research has shown that they have a significant impact on the immune system, mainly due to their immunomodulating properties. In this article, we will describe the beneficial benefits of beta-glucans and their presence in medicinal mushrooms such as fringed beard, cordyceps, variegated plantain, ganoderma and chaga, and highlight the potential of their combination for boosting the immune system and general well-being. What are beta glucans? Betaglucans are a type of dietary fiber present in...


Do you want to know more about the importance of cannabis in the home pharmacy and how to grow and process cannabis and make your own preparations for the home pharmacy?

Hemp is a plant with exceptional properties, it contains more than 1000 active substances, of which more than 295 are cannabinoids, which places it at the very top among medicinal plants. We wish that soon we could plant it freely again in our nursery and know how to make homemade preparations that would strengthen the health and vitality of the whole family. We prepared a workshop that...

Hemp candles: Use and instructions for making

Why use hemp candles?

In addition to the oral use of CBD drops, in some cases it makes sense to also use cannabis suppositories for vaginal or rectal use. This makes sense especially when we need stronger doses, as absorption is the highest in this case.  

How do hemp candles work?

If we compare oral use and suppositories, the advantage of suppositories is that absorption is better and the effect lasts longer. When taken orally, the effects are noticeable after 30-90 minutes, because CBD travels through the digestive system for the longest time. With rectal or vaginal...

Trametes versicolor - mushroom of vitality!

  Mushrooms, which have been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years, represent a natural wealth of supportive properties. They are known for their extraordinary effects on holistic health. One of these magnificent mushrooms is the medicinal mushroom Pisana ploskovekka or Turkey tail, often called the mushroom of vitality, which is especially valued for its ability to strengthen cellular immunity. The heritage of the colorful flat pipe is highly valued in Japan, China and other parts of Asia, where it has been recognized for thousands of years. Flat tuber is still widely used today as one of the most common immunostimulating agents against cancer, as it strengthens cellular immunity. Antitumor activity increases in combination with radiation, chemotherapy...

Chaga – the queen of the forest and immunity mushroom!

  One of these magnificent mushrooms is the medicinal mushroom Chaga, often called the immunity mushroom, which is especially valued for its strengthening properties. The use of chaga has a rich history. She got her name during her thousand-year relationship with people, she is also called the "queen of the forest". In areas such as Siberia, China and Scandinavia, Chaga has an almost divine status. In America, it is called the "queen of herbs", the indigenous peoples of Siberia call it a "gift of the gods", and the Japanese call it a "forest diamond". It has been used in Russian traditional medicine since the 15th...

The Scientist

The scientist is not only an excellent documentary about the life and work of Dr. Rafael Mechoulam, but above all about the history of cannabis research, its use in medicine then and now! In 2015, the documentary received the Hollywood International Independent Documentary Award.

Kanabidiol CBD v ŠPORTU

Prim. Dušan Nolimal, dr. med.

CBD je ena od več kot sto  aktivnih kanabinoidnih molekul oziroma kemikalij v rastlini konoplja (Cannabis Sativa).  Ne povzroča omamljenosti  in nima psihoaktivnih učinkov, ki bi vplivali na sposobnost športnikov. Zaradi  potencialnih zdravstvenih koristi se vse pogosteje uporablja v rekreativnem in pofesionalnem športu. Tudi Svetovna protidopinška agencija (WADA) je, kljub nasprotovanju zagovornikov prepovedi konoplje, v letu 2018  odstranila CBD iz svojega seznama prepovedanih substanc, kar pomeni, da je CBD  dovoljen v športu in ga lahko športniki...

CBD for animals

Therapeutic use of cannabis in epileptic seizures in animals

The therapeutic use of hemp and CBD in animals is gaining a lot of attention. One promising option is the treatment of epileptic seizures.

Zgodovina in sodobne raziskave: Konoplja in epileptični napadi

Uporaba konoplje za zdravljenje napadov ni nič novega. Konopljo so opisovali, kot terapijo za ljudi z napadi že stoletja, če ne tisočletja. V zadnjih letih se konoplja, še posebej kanabidiol CBD, ponovno preučuje za zdravljenje epileptičnih napadov, tako pri ljudeh, kot tudi pri živalih. V antiki so konopljo uporabljali za napade na podlagi opazovanja, vendar danes potekajo temeljite...

CBD cannabinoid increasingly present in the service of health

Cannabis cannabinoids as is CBD, so vse bolj obetavna podpora tako pri ohranjanju zdravja, kot tudi pri obvladovanju različnih težav. Kakšni so potenciali CBD, na kaj v telesu vpliva in kdaj nam je lahko uporaba CBD v podporo? CBD potenciali Konoplja sodi med ene najbolj raziskanih rastlin na svetu. V izvlečkih iz cvetov med drugim najdemo velik nabor različnih kanabinoidov, terpenov in flavonoidov. Drugi najbolj prisoten kanabinoid je poleg THC, CBD - kanabidiol. Da je slednji ena najbolj varnih...

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CBD cookie with triple chocolate

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