Sleep is important for the body
Sleep is important!
Sleep is very important for the human body. More and more people are complaining about poor sleep or even insomnia. This is a major risk factor for diseases. Many times, people do not sleep because of pain or existing health problems. Which only worsens the already unpleasant situation that we are trying to solve as best we can.
How we fall asleep, how we sleep, and how we wake up are regulated by the circadian rhythm and the endocannabinoid system. The circadian rhythm is a night-day rhythm that regulates our wakefulness and sleep through hormones and consequently affects our heart rate, metabolism, and brain health. Our circadian rhythm has come under considerable pressure in recent decades, as electromagnetic radiation, the use of blue light on computers and phones, and an unhealthy diet have increased. All of this can lead to severe insomnia, waking up in the middle of the night, compulsive eating in the late evening hours, etc.
After all this, we wake up tired, with a foggy head and a reduced ability to tolerate everyday stress. Add to all this the current situation, which puts pressure on each of us from all sides and requires a high ability to adapt. The brain itself regulates the cycle of wakefulness and sleep by producing endocannabinoids.
If we can confirm that we have trouble sleeping, that we are not getting the rest we would like and that we may be waking up at night, this is already a sign that our endocannabinoid system is failing to regulate our sleep rhythm. Maybe it is exhausted from all the stress, maybe we are not consuming enough quality fats, maybe we are not exercising enough? People with chronic diseases often have associated symptoms of insomnia or sleep problems.
Interestingly, we need sleep not only to rest, but also to regenerate tissues, strengthen the immune system, remove toxins from the brain and other parts of the body, store memories, control metabolic processes, blood pressure, hunger and blood sugar, process what we have learned, and countless other processes, all of which are regulated by the endocannabinoid system.
Simply put, if we don't get enough sleep, we become toxic, the lymph system stagnates, the brain doesn't work at full strength, and the immune system is lowered.
Sleep and CBD and CBG
It is usually highly recommended for sleep problems. THC, especially when the problems are very severe and there is severe pain. But it is necessary to be careful with the quality and dosage. Most people prefer to use cannabis that will not affect our performance, i.e. preparations with mostly CBD and CBG. Dosage is just as important for these two formulations. Research and experience have shown that cannabinoids have a biphasic effect, meaning they can have both a sedative and a stimulant effect, depending on the dose and the person.
Sometimes it is already CBD enough to improve our sleep, but if the need is greater and we feel that we are CBD invigorates and activates us, then it is CBG a better choice.
This is a molecule that has proven very good for greater sedation, insomnia, pain, soft tissue problems (bladder, intestines, skin, breasts, brain). In addition, CBG is successfully used by those who have excessive eye pressure in glaucoma, prevents the formation of new cancer cells, protects the nervous system and has antibacterial properties. We have used the mixture several times CBD+CBG successfully used for ear infections.
In addition to cannabis, I recommend not eating too late at night to improve our sleep. We usually eat dinner by sunset, then have a glass of raw milk with some honey, which calms the hormonal system and lulls us into a restful sleep.
We avoid electronic devices before bed, as they disrupt our endocannabinoid and hormonal systems. The light should be as dim as possible, a warm yellow color, and if possible, it should shine below eye level. This can remind us of sitting by a campfire, which is calming.
Avoid consuming stimulants after lunch (coffee, tea, tobacco, etc.). Instead, prepare some herbal teas that have a relaxing effect (chamomile - if it is not steeped for too long, lavender, valerian, linden, fennel, passion flower, hops, hemp, etc.) or aromatherapy, which will prepare a suitable space and atmosphere for sleep.
Sleep and medicinal mushrooms
It has the highest antioxidant value among medicinal mushrooms CHAGA, which boasts a long history of use in Russia. It helps us adapt more easily to stressful situations, protects our cells from oxidative stress, as well as our DNA (especially mitochondrial). In oncology, betulinic acid from CHAGE has been successfully used as a selective cytotoxic agent in human melanoma, meaning that cancer cells die while healthy cells remain intact. Wherever there is a loss of tissue homeostasis, it makes sense to use this "queen of mushrooms".
Make sure you get enough exercise during the day, as this increases the presence of anandamide in our brain, which ensures better sleep and a feeling of bliss. Exercise in nature is of course much better, even if it's just a late afternoon walk, so as not to overexert yourself at a gym and trigger an increase in cortisol in the evening.
Insomnia often leads to exhaustion and more inflammation, so just make sure you sleep well and when you need it.
Text: Tjaša Korelc, consultant for cannabinoids and spagyric traditional Western medicine
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